Brent L. Kendrick Faculty Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Brent L. Kendrick Faculty Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2010 by Brent Kendrick, an English professor at Laurel Ridge Community College. The son of a West Virginia coal miner and the first in his family to go to college, Dr. Kendrick began teaching at the College in 1998, after a twenty-five year career at the Library of Congress. Since then he has taught more than 145 classes involving more than 3,300 students. He is renowned for teaching classes both online and in traditional classroom settings and for earning consistently and remarkably high student evaluation scores. In 2008, Dr. Kendrick was selected by the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) as one of the top twelve educators among institutions of higher learning in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In 2010, Dr. Kendrick received the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, which is given annually to recognize one full-time instructor who personifies teaching excellence at Virginia’s Community Colleges.